Saturday, May 22, 2010

Working Through the Pain

I'm sure every one knows what its like to work through pain even if its not long term.
Two years ago just after Christmas I slipped on an icy sidewalk and seriously injured
my back. I was always a fairly active person I walked, biked and went swimming quite
regularly .

After falling I gained a lot of weight... partly because of the medication I was prescribed
for the pain of my injury. My wife would look at me and say "your going to pay now"
(while in already in bed trying to watch TV and forget about the pain) "you will take care of yourself one day"

It was hard I lacked the motivation to... Feel excited. Now don't get me wrong I found a way.
I learned after trying to struggle with the pain of exercise and lose the 43 pounds I gained.

After realizing I did not like how I felt about myself anymore I said enough is enough...
I started to say See your self in the mirror the way you want to be... Being Positive instead of thinking about what I did not want and how much i wish I could get back in shape.

It was a lot easier to start burning fat while thinking a great result.. Looking at what I was going to instead of what I was moving away from.

Work hard. Stay Motivated and Never Doubt.
You will Succeed Too

I hope I can help you do what I did,
David McInnis
I know you can get the body you want and lose weight. Check out my e-book here to find outhow.

Best Training Strategies

Best Training Strategies

If you ever been to a doctor, the first thing they do is convince you to do low to moderate intensity aerobic training. This is also referred to as cardio. They suggest you do about 30-60 minutes of steady pace cardio for about 3-5 times in a week. They claim this helps maintain your heart rate at a moderate level.
Before you get involved in such a routine, consider some recent scientific research that gives concrete facts to prove such cardio workouts may not work that well after all.
Our bodies were designed to perform physical activity in bursts of exertion followed by recovery. According to the research study, physical variety is a key variable in your training. If you examine most sports, you will find that most of them go with this burst of exertion, or stop-and-go movement, as it is also called.
Another factor to keep in mind when it comes to varying your physical workouts is the effects to your body internally. Scientists have known for years that any excessive steady state endurance exercise that is anywhere between 30 minutes to an hour, only trains the heart rate at a specific level. You don’t get the heart fully involved.
This kind of workout causes muscle wasting, and can even create a condition in your body that can lead to chronic diseases. But if you do stop-and-go type movements, you will find that your body reacts to it in a better manner. Your body will be able to increase anti-oxidant production. Your body will also provide a more anti-inflammatory affect and your metabolic rate will increase. Also, stop-and-go training trains the heart to respond to and recover from a variety of demands and stress levels.
This is what you need. The kind of exercise that trains your heart to rapidly increase and rapidly decrease is the condition that will benefit you more fully. And it has another benefit. It is much more interesting to do and has a better success rate. This means those who used this method, did not drop out and were able to loose weight and get fit quickly. You can start burning fat too.
If you want to find a better way to exercise and loose weight that will give you tremendous results, you need to pick up a copy of my e-book How to Create a Lean and Healthy Body Quickly. Once you do this, you will learn the right way to exercise and will get your body into peak physical condition in no time. Just go to to learn more and Get on the The Fast Track to Burning Fat.